Gulf Coast Eye Institute

6 Common Vision Problems and How To Fix Them

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6 Common Vision Problems & How to Fix Them

Most of us think of vision problems in terms of blurriness or blindness. But there are many different types of vision problems and each problem requires different treatments. Below are some of the most common vision problems and how Gulf Coast Eye Institute can address them.

Nearsightedness (Myopia)

Nearsightedness occurs when light entering the cornea focuses in front of the retina instead of on the retina. This happens because the distance between the front and back of the eye is too long. This results in the ability to see near objects clearly while objects in the distance appear blurry. Myopia can be corrected with corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) or LASIK vision correction at Gulf Coast Eye Institute.

Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

You can think of farsightedness as the opposite of nearsightedness. In the case of farsightedness, light is focused behind the retina (instead of on the retina): the distance between the front and back of the eye is too short to allow light to focus on the retina. This results in being able to see objects in the distance clearly, but close objects appear blurry. Farsightedness is also treated with corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) or LASIK.


When the eye has a football-like shape, light is not focused evenly on the retina, resulting in astigmatism. LASIK or corrective lenses treat astigmatism, although many people think they are not a LASIK candidate if they have astigmatism. Thanks to advances in technology, being deemed ineligible for LASIK due to astigmatism is very rare.

Presbyopia (Over-40 Vision)

Presbyopia refers to age-related changes in the ability to see things up close, which makes reading things like your phone or a book increasingly difficult over time. The lens of the eye becomes less flexible, making it difficult for the muscle surrounding the lens to expand or contract properly in order to focus on nearby objects. The most common treatment for presbyopia is reading glasses, but, more and more patients are opting for Blended Vision LASIK; Gulf Coast Eye Institute offers Blended Vision for patients who are wanting freedom from reading glasses.


Often occurring in seniors, glaucoma refers to increasing pressure within the eye. As pressure increases, vision declines. Although the glaucoma-related loss of vision is not reversible, it can be slowed with careful monitoring and intervention. Depending on the severity of the condition, your Gulf Coast Eye Institute ophthalmologist will recommend a combination of treatment options including medicine (topical eye drops and/or oral medications) and operative procedures to preserve vision.


A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens as a part of the body’s normal aging process. As a cataract develops, reading and driving may become more difficult.The only way to treat cataracts is to undergo cataract surgery.
At Gulf Coast Eye Institute, we offer a variety of cataract procedures to fit your unique vision needs and lifestyle. The first step in this process is finding out if you even have cataracts. Once we confirm diagnosis, your Gulf Coast Eye Institute surgeon will work with you to customize a treatment plan that is best for you.

If you or someone you love is experiencing blurry vision to any degree, come see us! We offer a range of treatment options customized to your unique vision to help you see your life clearly.



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